JB Pritzker, Governor


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Account Balance
The amount of unpaid support
Administrative Order
An order entered by the Division of Child Support Services to establish paternity and/or support
Alleged Father
A man named as the father of a child born out of wedlock but who has not been legally determined to be the father
Arrearage Support
A specific amount of unpaid support established through either a judicial or an administrative order.
**May not include total balance owed.**
Current Support
The amount to be paid under the terms of a support order
Custodial Parent
The person who has custody or legal guardianship of the child(ren)
An amount of support that is more than 30 days past-due. A delinquency on an Income Withholding notice may also refer to the additional amount to be withheld until the delinquency balance is paid in full.
**This may or may not include all of the interest or total balance that is owed.**
A unique number assigned by circuit clerk (judicial order) or Division of Child Support Services (administrative order) identifying each support order
A unique number used to identify the state and county where the judicial or administrative order originated
Income Withholding Notice
A notice sent to an employer/payor to withhold for current and/or arrearage support obligation(s)
** This document is not a balance statement and may or may not include all of the interest or total balance that is owed.**
Illinois law states a support obligation or any portion of a support obligation which becomes due and remains unpaid for 30 days or more shall accrue simple interest at a rate of 9% per annum.
Intergovernmental Initiating
Illinois has asked another state or country for assistance with the enforcement of a support obligation and/or establishment of paternity and/or support order
Intergovernmental Responding
Another state or country has requested Illinois' assistance with the enforcement of an order or establishment of paternity and/or support order for enforcement
Judicial Order
An order established through state/county court
Non-Custodial Parent
The person who does not have custody of the child(ren)
"Personal Identification Number" used for security purposes when accessing case information.
** The Personal Identification Number (PIN) number for the Division of Child Support Services online system is a separate and individual number not associated with the PIN number for accessing payment information via the State Disbursement Unit. For information about a PIN for accessing the SDU system, please call the State Disbursement Unit at 1-877-225-7077.**
Your personal "recipient identification number" assigned specifically to you. This number can be found on most child support documents.
State Disbursement Unit (SDU)
The State Disbursement Unit (SDU) was created by federal mandate to be a disbursement center for all court ordered child support payments within the state of Illinois.

The SDU receives the child support payments, posts them to the correct court order (docket) and mails or electronically transfers the payment to the custodial parent. The payment information is then communicated to the Illinois County where the court order originated. If there is a case for enforcement with the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS), payment information is also communicated to DCSS for proper crediting.

The SDU is simply a clearing house for child support payments for all 102 counties within Illinois. The SDU does not administer any type of enforcement action, serve or terminate income withholding notices, contact employers regarding compliance issues, nor do they maintain balances on support orders or other court order related matters.

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